Schlagwort-Archive: Spanien

#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 94: Manu Brabo aus Gijòn

Manu Brabo ist Fotojournalist, der seine Geschichten international erzählt. Im Zuge der Pandemie arbeitet er nun ganz ungewohnt für ihn an Themen aus seinem Heimatland. Mehr darüber hat er den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt:

How are you doing?
I’m ok. Trying to figure it out in this new thing we’re living in.

A soldier of the Spanish Army stands within a train station tunnel while resupplying a comrade during a disinfection protocol in Lugones, Asturias, España. March 31, 2020.

What have you experienced photographically in the last weeks and months?
Lately I’ve been through different kind of projects related to COVID. From a more pure photojournalist approach but, and this is kind of new to me, in a more narrative and intimate way by following closely different characters. I’ve been shooting within hospitals, ambulances, geriatrics and stuff like that but also my father’s life during the deconfinment.

Pablo, an ambulance service paramedic, talks to a 89 years old woman with COVID symptoms while transferring her from the nursing home where she lives to the Central University Hospital of Asturias. Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. April 29, 2020.

What are you currently working on?
Right now I’m building projects here in my country. This is new to me, my whole career as a photojournalist have happen abroad. Still… it is time to get involve in other projects. Book, exhibitions, studing.

Santos, a paramedic, transports Jose Maria, a COVID-19 patient, from the ambulance to the neurological disease center where patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms from all of Asturias are held in quarentine. Langreo, Asturias, Spain April 23, 2020.

What do you think about the role of photography especially in these times?
It’s been a historical moment (still is) so I guess it’s kind of our task as photographers to capture it. This pandemia it´s gonna shape the society and photography will change with it. It’s in our hands to put it on the right mode and the right place.

On this picture, taken April 8, 2020: Priest Manuel Flaker stands at the gate of the graveyard next to the cart to transport the coffin before the inhumation of Mr. Marcial Souto, 82, in a graveyard outskirts of Leon. The priest and his assistant came as close friend’s of the family to support and Marcial’s son,Jose Manuel, the only one able to attend to the burial since Marcial’s wife is still recovering at home and his only daughter lives abroad, in Ireland.

What do you wish for your personal photographic future?
I just want to keep learning.

Website von Manu Brabo
Instagram-Feed von Manu Brabo
Facebook-Profil Manu Brabo

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#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 85: Jordi Busque aus Barcelona

Jordi Busque ist Astrophysiker und Fotojournalist. „Gestrandet“ in seiner Heimatstadt wartet er darauf, seine Freundin irgendwann nach Monaten wieder sehen zu können. Und er wünscht sich, wieder zu reisen… Aber die Zeit des strengen spanischen Lockdowns hat er gut genutzt. Das und einiges mehr hat er den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt:

How have you and your photography been doing in the last weeks and months?
Luckily nobody in my family has got Covid-19 but still the lock-down has been a challenge. Me and my girlfriend have been „trapped“ in different countries and have no idea when we will be able to see each other in person. I usually spend most of my time in Latin America working on different stories but the lock-down caught me visiting my family in Catalonia, so I have been unable to return to work the usual way. Here the lock-down has been very strict (for several months it was forbidden to be outside home except to go buy food). I really enjoy being outside in nature, doing long term hiking and camping, so it has been a challenge to be indoors for so long. Still, thanks to the Internet, I’ve been able to keep active. I’ve been spending this time doing research for future stories, writing for future articles and book projects, and pitching stories about science (I’m an astrophysicist) using photographs that I had already taken. I have also started to learn Arabic, which has been in the back of my head for some time. Doing stories in South America has shown me how better positioned I am to go deep in comparison to, say, an American photographer who would only speak English. So I am trying to add new languages to improve my ability as a photojournalist. And in order to satisfy my need for nature and as a way of doing something to keep my mood positive in the midst of so much bad news, I started sprouting tomato seeds and now I have planted them in my mom’s house garden.

How much is the photographic industry in Spain generally affected by the crisis?
I think it is quite bad, but it was so before the crisis anyway. The thing that has gotten really worse is for photography related to promoting the country as a tourist destination, for obvious reasons. I’ve also heard of photojournalists being rejected to work in public hospitals because they didn’t want the horrible images happening there to go public. Also this obsession the media have of going mono-thematic have not helped. It seems the only stories worth publishing now are about the virus.

What do you think, how does the future of the industry look like?
I’m not very optimistic. There are a lot of talented photographers and this is really good, but the opportunities to sell our stories have been shrinking for many years. And it’s difficult to imagine that the coming general economic crisis will increase those. The only thing we can do is to give our best and try to be imaginative to create new opportunities.

And that of photography in general?
The future of photography looks quite good. I think there are a lot of talented photographers and no shortage of stories to be told. Technology has also improved a lot so even with inexpensive cameras you can take technically good images. A problem that I’ve been seeing for a long time is a tendency for many photographers to converge in style. So I think the landscape of possibilities is still mostly unexplored, so photographers who like exploring in that sense they have a bright future I believe.

What do you wish for your photographic future?
I wish that soon we can travel again safely. Personally a big part of the joy of my job is to travel and know all these different worlds, and then use photography and text to explain them. It also would be good for publications to become more wide and diverse in their subject matters, and also be more about who publishes the story better rather than who publishes the story first.

Website von Jordi Busque
Facebook-Profil von Jordi Busque
Instagram-Feed von Jordi Busque
Twitter-Kanal von Jordi Busque
LinkedIn-Profil von Jordi Busque

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#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 41: José Colón aus Barcelona

@covidphotodiaries – so heißt das spanische Fotografenkollektiv, das seit 50 Tagen das Leben mit der Pandemie dokumentiert. Einer von ihnen ist José Colón, den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt er sehr offen, wie es ihm geht und welchen Blick er auf die aktuelle Lage hat:

What do we see in your photo?
It is a Self-portrait with ICS (Catalan Institute of Health) Barcelona primary care nurses after taking the temperature of a Covid-19 sick patient staying at the Melià Hotel in Barcelona.
Patients with Covid-19 discharged from hospital have been transferred to different hotels in Barcelona, including the Hotel Melià, to spend two weeks in confinement, before being able to return home. Once they arrive, sanitary and hotel personnel welcome and take a temperature before assigning them a room.

Spain has hard initial restrictions – how does your work work in practice?
True, Spain has had very severe restrictions from the beginning. The Spanish Government met with the Extraordinary Council of Ministers chaired by the President, Pedro Sánchez, and agreed to declare a state of emergency throughout the national territory, initially for a period of fifteen days, to address the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus in Spain. 50 days have passed since yesterday, my feeling is the same, since the beginning of the coverage of the crisis, they are not giving us necessary and correct access to cover this historical situation. From the same government, public or private institutions, the slogan is the same. Limiting access to journalists and photojournalists is not a democratic system. In our daily practice, since the beginning of the crisis, we have had two fundamental priorities. The first would be security for the people we work with and two security for the people we live with. Access management, as he commented, is impossible. We have to move many contacts in order to be able to get access, whether to people or to institutions, today there are still some that were not achieved, as in my case access to hospitals! On the other hand , it is very difficult to achieve.

How do you manage to work and taking photos in this harsh reality?
The way to approach this reality is being very complicated, we are working at home, with people we know, who are, where and how they live, because it is our own society. In my case, I feel more calm, as my work is almost always done in Spain. I consider myself a local photographer. And if we talk about the emotional part, ufff. would be to go that I think go, to the psychologist! Is being very hard!

Is it already clear what the crisis means for photography industry?
It is clear that beyond the human tragedy, the coronavirus epidemic, or COVID-19, is having an impact on the economy, especially in the tourist habitat, but also in the photographic industry. A sector that, as part of the electronics industry, is dominated by Japanese companies and whose products are mostly manufactured on Asian soil. Examples such as the cancellation of the CP+ 2020, Japan’s leading fair for precautionary photography in the face of the epidemic. A similar measure tomoThe Photography Show or the American Nabshow, which have been cancelled or postponed. This is a global crisis. All this is just the industry, imagine the workers of this industry, there are few who are working, everything is stopped, in all fields and this is just a „snack“ of what is going to come because, right now, with the disease already widespread in much of the world (including Spain) we began to understand other consequences that directly affect the photography market. We are no longer talking about the unstoppable fall of the stock markets, but above all about the difficulties of working in the future.

Do you think that ways of seeing and visual languages will change against the crisis background?
I think, if everything will change we will see brutal creations. Crises sharpen ingenuity, creativity, art, culture, writing. I think in all disciplines we will see unique creations.

What is your personal photographic wish for the time after the crisis?
I hope that everyone, even if it is a little more, will become aware of others, that we will understand that if we do not have the collective union, either in the photograph or in the life that surrounds us. We won’t get anywhere. And let us be clear that, „this is just the beginning, our future,“ unfortunately, is what we have just lived, and we are living!

Website von José Colón
Instagram-Feed von José Colón
Instagram-Feed von den covidphotodiaries
Facebook-Profil von José Colón

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Horizonte-Countdown 2015 | Jordi Busque

Sieben fotogloria-Fotografen sind in diesem Jahr in der großen Gruppenschau »One World« beim achten Umweltfotofestival »Horizonte Zingst« zu sehen. Eröffnet wird am 30. Mai und bis dahin stellen wir Ihnen jeden Tag einen der ausstellenden Fotografen und seine Arbeit vor. Heute zeigen wir Ihnen die Strecke »The Mennonites of Bolivia« von Jordi Busque. Viel Spaß!

fotogloria _ Jordi Busque _ Mennoniten _ 1

My series »The Mennonites of Bolivia« documents the lives of little known religious communities, of European decent, in Eastern Bolivia. Mennonites are Christians, living in isolated farming communities and fiercely protective of their privacy. They reject modern technology and follow a way of life that has not changed since the 16th century. They tend the fields and raise cattle mostly to produce cheese. Their language is an old dialect of medieval German called Plattdeutsch. They don’t allow marriage outside their community.
Their core belief is what they call »the narrow path«. By choosing a difficult road, instead of the comforts of modern society, they can be closer to God.

As the 21st century brings modernity almost everywhere, Mennonites have found a place to settle in what they perceive is a little developed Bolivia, where they have enough isolation and freedom to follow their tradition without having to compromise their values.

I want to document a lifestyle that has all the chances to disappear in the modern and globalized 21st century.

fotogloria _ Jordi Busque _ Mennoniten _ 3

It is important to know that in these communities photography is usually taboo. It took much time and gentle prodding to be finally allowed to be in their midst and photograph their lives. Extreme patience is the key on how I obtained these photograph.

Jordi Busqué is an award winning photographer and former astrophysicist. His photographs and texts have appeared in some of the most prestigious publications including National Geographic Magazine (USA), Geo (Germany and France), El País Semanal (Spain), Lonely Planet Magazine (Spain), Science et Vie (France) and Terre Sauvage (France). Jordi divides his work between photojournalism, science and travel photography. He has traveled extensively around the world and he specializes in remote areas of South America.

P.S.: Schauen Sie sich gerne die ganze Serie »The Mennonites of Bolivia« von fotogloria-Fotograf Jordi Busque in der fotogloria-Bilddatenbank an – bitte HIER entlang.  Natürlich können Sie alle Motive auch für Ihre Zwecke lizensieren – melden Sie sich jederzeit unter 040 609 42 906 -0 oder

P.P.S.: Jordi Busques »The Mennonites of Bolivia«  wurden Ende 2014 auf vielen Seiten im Magazin Stern gezeigt, passend dazu haben wir Jordi für den fotogloria-Blog interviewt. Die ganze Geschichte finden Sie HIER.

P.P.P.S.: fotogloria vertritt Jordi Busque exklusiv in Deutschland. Über fotogloria können Sie ihn gerne für Ihre Ideen und Aufträge buchen. Melden Sie sich jederzeit unter 040 609 42 906 -0 oder


Fotografie International – NEU bei fotogloria

Deutsche Unternehmen produzieren international, exportieren in die ganze Welt, expandieren rund um den Globus, bieten Arbeitsplätze und damit Kaufkraft in jedem Land der Erde. Kurz: Sie sind eine starke Wirtschaftskraft und international zuhause. Eigenschaften, die sich hervorragend für eine fotografierte Unternehmenskommunikation anbieten: Starke Unternehmen, starke Bilder.

Und genau das ist es, worauf fotogloria spezialisiert ist. In Deutschland. Und ab jetzt auch auf der ganzen Welt. Zum Start des Internationalen fotogloria-Netzwerks präsentieren wir Ihnen die ersten 14 Fotografen rund um den Globus, denn fotogloria steht auch in Zukunft für sehr gute Fotografie International.

Ihre gesuchte Region ist zur Zeit noch nicht im Internationalen fotogloria-Netzwerk aufgeführt? Melden Sie sich trotzdem gerne und jederzeit mit Ihren Ideen bei uns – wir haben  ungezählte weitere internationale Kontakte für jede Stadt für jedes Land, für jeden Winkel der Welt: oder 040 609 42 906 -0.


Die  14 Internationalen fotogloria-Netzwerk Fotografen sind: Ezequiel Scagnetti (Benelux), Claus Sjödin (Dänemark), Matti Immonen (Finnland), Lea Crespi (Frankreich), Raphael Demaret (Frankreich), Alex Galmeanu (Rumänien), Frank Herfort (Russland), Mans Berg (Schweden), Markel Redondo (Spanien), Ehrin Macksay (Vietnam), Philippe Roy (China), Christoph Morlinghaus (USA), Patrick Strattner (USA), Enio Tavares (Brasilien), Javier Pierini (Argentinien) und Wouter Kingma (VAE). Willkommen!

Startseite Internationales Netzwerk