Manu Brabo ist Fotojournalist, der seine Geschichten international erzählt. Im Zuge der Pandemie arbeitet er nun ganz ungewohnt für ihn an Themen aus seinem Heimatland. Mehr darüber hat er den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt:
How are you doing?
I’m ok. Trying to figure it out in this new thing we’re living in.

A soldier of the Spanish Army stands within a train station tunnel while resupplying a comrade during a disinfection protocol in Lugones, Asturias, España. March 31, 2020.
What have you experienced photographically in the last weeks and months?
Lately I’ve been through different kind of projects related to COVID. From a more pure photojournalist approach but, and this is kind of new to me, in a more narrative and intimate way by following closely different characters. I’ve been shooting within hospitals, ambulances, geriatrics and stuff like that but also my father’s life during the deconfinment.

Pablo, an ambulance service paramedic, talks to a 89 years old woman with COVID symptoms while transferring her from the nursing home where she lives to the Central University Hospital of Asturias. Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. April 29, 2020.
What are you currently working on?
Right now I’m building projects here in my country. This is new to me, my whole career as a photojournalist have happen abroad. Still… it is time to get involve in other projects. Book, exhibitions, studing.

Santos, a paramedic, transports Jose Maria, a COVID-19 patient, from the ambulance to the neurological disease center where patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms from all of Asturias are held in quarentine. Langreo, Asturias, Spain April 23, 2020.
What do you think about the role of photography especially in these times?
It’s been a historical moment (still is) so I guess it’s kind of our task as photographers to capture it. This pandemia it´s gonna shape the society and photography will change with it. It’s in our hands to put it on the right mode and the right place.

On this picture, taken April 8, 2020: Priest Manuel Flaker stands at the gate of the graveyard next to the cart to transport the coffin before the inhumation of Mr. Marcial Souto, 82, in a graveyard outskirts of Leon. The priest and his assistant came as close friend’s of the family to support and Marcial’s son,Jose Manuel, the only one able to attend to the burial since Marcial’s wife is still recovering at home and his only daughter lives abroad, in Ireland.
What do you wish for your personal photographic future?
I just want to keep learning.
- The Covadonga sanatorium – it is a medical center specialized in what has been called „Patient Experience“ characterized by giving a more humane and close treatment to its patients. In the image, Belén and María, nurses, clean a patient with Covid-19 on the 3rd floor of the Sanatorium. Gijon, Asturias, Spain. April 21, 2020.
- Pablo, an ambulance paramedic, pushes the wheelchair of a patient with symptoms of COVID-19 down the landing of his building. Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. April 23, 2020.
- An elderly affected by COVD-19 looks at a crisp on the wall from her bed in the Covadonga Sanatorium in Gijón, Asturias, España. March / April 2020.
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