In den Monaten der Pandemie hat Marco Zorzanello viel Rückhalt im Kollegenkreis erfahren, hat einige Corona-Fälle im persönlichen Umfeld erlebt, hat für internationale Magazine zu Covid in Venedig gearbeitet und in der Zwischenzeit mit seinem Sohn ein Holzhaus gebaut. Zu all dem und noch mehr hat er mit den #FacesOfPhotography gesprochen:
Marco, how are you?
Now I’m very fine, even if 2020 has been very hard time for my family. Almost all of my family have had Corona, but now we are fine.
What is the current situation in Italy?
Today, on the beginning of September 2021, the situation in Italy looks under control. Summer, highest temperatures, and sun have been a great help to reduce the infection and the spread of Corona. A sort of normal social life started again.

From the work »LOST PARADISE – TOURISM IN THE CLIMATE CHANGE ERA« – Armentarola Ski Area – Lagazuoi – District of Bolzano, Italy. A group of tourists pulled by a sled along the bed of a river that has been artificially snowed.
What have you personally experienced job-wise an in your free topics in the last weeks and months?
Most of my colleague dedicate the lockdown period to some personal project, using even alternative methods and instruments. Personally I enjoyed the lockdown. I told to my self to cancel any anxiety. It has mean a slowing down time; in these days we have been forced to stay home and share more time with our family. Personally during lockdown I built a little wood house to my 5 years old son. But I know I was lucky – I have a garden, a beautiful family and any particular economic problem.
Contrary to what I expected, 2020 has been one of my best working years. Probably because I worked with world wide magazines documenting the Corona Pandemic in Venice, and because I had a big assignment from the Italian Minister of Heritage. In 2021 all customs are more prudent and cautious, so I’m having a little working decrees this year.

From the work »LOST PARADISE – TOURISM IN THE CLIMATE CHANGE ERA« – Occupied Territories of Palestine, Qasr el Yahud. A pilgrim get out from the muddy waters of the Jordanian river after the ritual baptism.
What do you think – what is the impact of the pandemic for the photographic industry in general?
I think this pandemic has been destructive for the photographic industry. Magazine are even in a deeper crisis than before, private companies are waiting to invest in our sector and so on. But in this difficult time many Foundations Public bodies and No lucrative association are investing to support photographer and to develop the creativity.
And in Italy? In Italy, probably as in most countries in EU, there has been a terrible interruption of work, but, on the other side there has been a huge help between colleagues. In 2020 there has been even some more grants to help photographers to survive.

From the work »LOST PARADISE – TOURISM IN THE CLIMATE CHANGE ERA« – Ilulisat – Jakobshavn, Greenland . A local boat is floating in the wonderfoull iceberg landscape of Disko Bay. Due to the global warming, even more numerous and biggest pieces of ice are floating in the Ilulissat bay.
What means photography for you personally?
I don’t really know what photography mean for me. It’s difficult to find a definition that explain how I feel. It’s a feeling of separation from the reality and concentration on it in the same time. It mean probably a huge effort translate the complexity in the simplicity. And of course a way to expression!

From the work »LOST PARADISE – TOURISM IN THE CLIMATE CHANGE ERA« – Hurawalhi Island Resort. Mr Zinah Mohamed, the waiter of 5.8 underwater restaurant, while is seting tables for the evening dine.
What is your personal photographic wish for the future?
To learn new photographic language.
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