#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 152: Franck Vogel aus Paris

Mit Beginn der Pandemie musste Franck Vogel beruflich umdenken – als ein sonst die Welt bereisender Fotograf hatte er schlicht keine Aufträge mehr. Was er aus der Situation gemacht hat und was für ihn die Fotografie kann, darüber hat er mit den #FacesOfPhotography gesprochen:

Franck, how are you?
I’m doing well and I’m waiting to be able to travel again… like everyone, I guess.

What is the current situation in France?
The third lockdown is over. We are again allowed to eat and drink at restaurant terraces and it really gives hope for the future.

Baba Shridhar Das, 42, joined Swami Rameshanand since one year in the oldest cave on the Ganges. He left home at the age of 15 and became a baba. Before performing his puja, prayer ceremony, he washes in the Ganges several times a day, but without soap. The water is very cold here (about 2-4°C) and purifies him.

What have you personally experienced job-wise an in your free topics in the last weeks and months?
Since I’m used to travel the world for GEO magazine, I had to find new idea to work. I therefore did some corporate photos and films and we launched during the first lockdown in March 2020 a Youtube and Weibo channel (ZAF in Paris) with my Chinese wife and 4-year-old daughter Amber. It’s about art, lifestyle and parenting, and we became influencer on Weibo in China for Centre Pompidou, Fondation Cartier and Paris Musée. Besides that, we are currently working on a new Biennale (art, environment and citizenship) near Paris for 2022.

Ethiopia – After the Divine Liturgy, lake Tana’€™s water is blessed by a priest from the nearby Orakidanu Bret monastery and sprinkled on the crowd.

What are the implications of the pandemic for the photographic industry in France in general?
Since all cultural events have been cancelled or postponed it has been quite difficult but the government did help photographers with some minimum wages if they had no activity.

Lealui, Zambia – The Barotseland and the amazing plains flooded by the Zambezi River in Western Zambia.

What means photography for you personally?
Photography is a way to document history but for me it’s more to inspire people and create awareness about environment protection with powerful images.

During their main festivals, each Bishnoi family has to offer wheat or millet in order to feed gazelles, black antelopes, peacocks and pigeons living around the sacred temples.

What is your personal photographic wish for the future?
I simply wish to be able to document the world again and come to Zingst to visit my exhibition on Transboundary Rivers.

Website von Franck Vogel
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Facebook-Profil von Franck Vogel

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