Schlagwort-Archive: George Qua-Enoo

#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 155: George Qua-Enoo aus Johannesburg

George Qua-Enoo hat in den Monaten der Pandemie neue fotografische Felder gesucht und hat an freien Projekten gearbeitet. Darüber, wie die Situation der Fotografie in Südafrika ist und was ihm die Fotografie bedeutet, darüber haben die #FacesOfPhotography mit ihm gesprochen:

George, how are you?
I’m doing great. I tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month just 2 days before my birthday. Thankfully my symptoms were mild and it lasted for only 5 days. I consider myself very fortunate.

What is the current situation in South Africa?
South Africa is currently on modified Level 4 lockdown. This is one level away from a total lockdown as we are currently experiencing a 3rd wave of infections. The government has rolled out vaccinations, albeit rather slow.

What have you personally experienced job-wise an in your free topics in the last weeks and months?
The past couple of months have been ok for me work-wise. I’ve had to tap into other areas of photography to make up for the dwindling big ticket jobs due to the effect of the pandemic. I’ve also been planning and shooting lots of personal projects to update my portfolio and also help keep the creative juices flowing.

What are the implications of the pandemic for the photographic industry in South Africa in general?

Photographers who mostly photograph events have been adversely affected. Many magazines and publications have also shut down permanently since the start of the pandemic. Editorial photography work which was already challenged prior to Covid-19 now goes to a select few Photographers. Although I’ve been shooting editorials for the past 15 years, my editorial clients are all based in North America and Europe. I’m yet to shoot for a major magazine here in South Africa.

What means photography for you personally?

I breathe photography. It’s part of my life. I can’t imagine my life without photography.

Website von George Qua-Enoo
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