Horizonte-Countdown 2015 | Federico Ciamei

»Die Mischung des Themenspektrums ist extrem kontrovers und die Entscheidungskriterien darüber, was in welcher Reihenfolge und in welchem Zusammenspiel gezeigt werden kann, brechen bewusst mit allgemein gültigen Regeln.« So beschreibt Kurator Klaus Tiedge seinen Ansatz bei der großen Gruppenschau »One World« – zu sehen beim achten Umweltfotofestival »Horizonte Zingst« ab dem 30. Mai.

Wir stellen Ihnen ab heute bis zur Festival-Eröffnung jeden Tag einen der sieben ausstellenden fotogloria-Fotografen und seine Arbeit vor. Heute zeigen wir Ihnen die Strecke »The Things That I Learned From The Internet« von Federico Ciamei. Viel Spaß!

How to solve Rubik's cube

Do you know how to tie a Victoria knot? Or how to make your hands dance the tutting dance? Do you know how to shoot free kicks like Roberto Carlos? No? Enter YouTube. The uber-popular video sharing site is populated by a bigger-than-enough share of unlikely masters promising to reveal the secrets to the craziest arts, such as that of conceiving twins (spoiler: you need to eat a lot of soybeans).
In »The Things That I Learned from the Internet« I gathered all the knowledge in obscure and often fundamental topics that I got after years spent on the weird part of YouTube, where nearly no man has browsed before.

I shot the photo for the »How to shave under the shower« tutorial in my house bathroom, all the others are shot in studio.

I’ve always been attracted by the weird part of youtube, memes and internet mythology. The things that I learned from the Internet is almost true, I really learned a lot online.

How to shave under the shower

I shot using a digital 35mm camera, a single flash and a tripod to get the correct exposure for the video frame of the tutorial. The more difficult prop to find were the soybeans in the »How to conceive twins naturally« photo, after searching in several markets and shops I ended up buying them in a chinese take away.

I’m interested in working in situations where some details are deliberately left undetermined so that the final result, contains a certain amount of unexpected. I think it is essential to start any project without knowing exactly what the final result may be: with this process something new and interesting is more likely to happen.

P.S.: Die ganze Serie »The Things That I Learned From The Internet« von fotogloria-Fotograf Federico Ciamei halten wir für Sie im fotogloria-Archiv bereit, natürlich können Sie alle Motive auch für Ihre Zwecke lizensieren – melden Sie sich jederzeit unter 040 609 42 906 -0 oder info@fotogloria.de.