Manuela Schirra und Fabrizio Giraldi arbeiten als das Künstlerduo schirragiraldi zusammen und entdecken während der Quarantäne den Familienweinberg und die völlig verwilderte Umgebung wieder. Dazu und zu ihren Ideen während der Krise haben die #FacesOfPhotography sie befragt:
In the photo we see…
…during the lockdown we started the project “Wildness”*, the project is on the wild lands around our property, the area is MAB – Man and the Biosphere UNESCO Reserve.
How are you in these strange times?
We spend our quarantine in our family vineyard where we have a lot of things to do since our culture has always been totally organic and regenerative. So we decided to represent the places where we are immerse and we decided to portraits us in these suspended places.
Italy has been hit hard by the crisis – is it already clear what this means for photography industry?
A lot of things will be changed after this period – for a long time.
What is your personal photographic wish for the time after the crisis?
We look at the crisis how an occasion to open new ways. In this period we decide to explore the nature where we live to find a new balance and new ways of living.
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Some introductory words of “Wildness”, which name deliberately recalls the assonant “Wellness”
WILDNESS – A dreamlike immersion in an anthropized area at the beginning of the nineteenth century and gradually abandoned starting from the twentieth century. The place is a MAB – Man and the Biosphere UNESCO Reserve area, protected for its anthropological, naturalistic and landscape interest, it is the terraces area of the Trieste plateau on the Adriatic Gulf, which surrounds the Miramare park, where the main crop was the vine.
The area was abandoned due to the difficulty of processing being reachable only on foot by means of steep paths and stairs and thanks above all to the proximity of the city of Trieste and its port which offered more comfortable and remunerated job opportunities.“Wildness“ tells these places at the time of isolation. The terraces have collapsed, the paths are impervious, man has not accessed it for decades and nature has recovered its space.