Schlagwort-Archive: Nantes

#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 48: Aurélien Foucault aus Nantes

Aurélien Foucault ist seit Mitte Februar in Nantes »gestrandet« – aus China angereist zu Besuch bei seinen Eltern wartet er nun darauf, dass er wieder zurück nach Beijing fliegen darf. Den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt er von seiner Situation:

»Although I am based in Beijing, China, I’ve come back to France with my family mid-February because we were in the midst of the virus crisis and my kid’s school had closed so we decided to use that time to introduce our new-born baby to my parents in France, hoping to get back to China as soon as things would get better.

Little did we know that we’d end up being stuck in France, because of the lockdown but also because China decided to close its borders to all foreigners, even those with residence permit.
So the four of us have been stuck in the room I used to inhabit as a teenager at my parents since mid-february.

Meanwhile, we still pay the rent for our apartment in Beijing and I haven’t been able to get any work here because of the lockdown.

I also had a nice exhibition of my work planned in France for March-April, but it only got to be open for a week before France went into lockdown. It’s really hard for us to plan anything at the moment because we have no idea when and if we’ll be able to go home.

All in all, we manage to stay positive as we are together and we have a roof over our heads and food on the table, which is sadly more than many can say.

Regarding my work, I am a documentary/ travel/ editorial photographer and my work has been published in newspapers such as The Guardian, Financial Times, Vice, Focus, Libération and many more.

My personal work has long been focused on the youth and the nightlife of Beijing, trying to show another aspect of China, that goes beyond the economics and the politics and reaches us by its universality.

I’m currently looking for funding to go shoot my next project, an uplifting story about paralympic athletes in Bhutan. If anyone reading this could be interested in helping out, please contact me!

Thanks again for initiating this #Facesofphotography project, it’s really fun and interesting and it gave me a reason to get back to creativity despite this difficult time.«

Website von Aurélien Foucault
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