Das BESTE Bild von… Ezequiel Scagnetti

Zeit, Ruhe und der perfekte Augenblick – das sind die Ingredienzien, aus denen das BESTE Bild von Ezequiel Scagnetti entstanden ist.

Where and when did you take your best picture?
Stone Town, Zanzibar, 03. November 2010.

How did it come about?
After finishing an assignment for a client in Daressalaam.
I took a ferry to Stone Town where I spent four days taking pictures of the city, that have the particularity of being a historic hub where​ iImmigrant communities from Oman, Persia and India lived ​there. The town was the centre of trade on the East African coast between Asia and Africa before the colonisation of the mainland in the late 19th century. From 1840 to 1856​ it was the​ capital of the Omani Empire​; ​for many years Stone Town was a major centre for the slave trade; slaves were obtained from mainland Africa and traded with the Middle East.
​The picture was taken in front of the sea where the fishermen are, the 2 kids were walking close to the shore in order to pick up one of the boats, it was a hard backlight that I intentionally overexposed and turned in black & white in postproduction.

For whom did you take your best picture?
​Just for me.​

Why do you consider this picture in particular your best picture?
​Because it reflects a peaceful moment and reminds me my childhood, where everything was calmness, friendship ​and innocence.

Retrospectively, is there anything in the picture that you would change?


* Ezequiel Scagnetti ist – wenn er nicht gerade traumhafte Bilder in Sansibar fotografiert – Portraitfotograf durch und durch. Ob Prominenz oder Mitmensch, er geht offen und neugierig auf sein Gegenüber zu. Und ist innerhalb kürzester Zeit in der Lage, die Besonderheit des Portraitierten zu erfassen – persönlich und mit der Kamera. Ezequiel Scagnetti lebt in Brüssel, Belgien, und arbeitet überall.

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