Schlagwort-Archive: Martin San Diego

#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 105: Martin San Diego aus Manila

Auch Martin San Diego hat mit weniger Aufträgen zu kämpfen – unter den wenigen, die er in den letzten Monaten bekam, war aber etwa die Washington Post. Ansonsten nutzte er die Zeit, um sich auf Stipendien zu bewerben – mit Erfolg. Mehr dazu hat er den #FacesOfPhotography erzählt:

Martin, how are you doing?
I’m coping well! This year has been slower than how I expected it will become. But I’m taking things as they go, without rushing, as it will only burn me out.

Rescued horses arrive from Taal Volcano island via boats. The Mendoza clan owns 12 horses used for tourism on the island. Thousands of horses were left behind on the island as residents fleed when the Taal Volcano erupted.

What have you experienced photographically in the last weeks and months?
Definitely there is less work these days due to the pandemic, but the ones I’ve been able to do have been meaningful. In April I did an assignment in one of the Philippines‘ biggest hospital for The Washington Post, and just recently I worked on a government campaign for coronavirus mitigation.

What are you currently working on?

Grant writing! I realized that we need to create opportunities for ourselves, not just wait for it to come. That’s why I have been applying for countless grants. Thankfully I was awarded one by the National Geographic Society a few months back, under its COVID-19 emergency fund for journalists.

What do you think about the role of photography especially in these times?
History is unfolding right in front of us, not just in some parts of the world, but everywhere! It is our duty to document this unique time, no matter how bleak the future may look like.

What do you wish for your personal photographic future?
I hope to learn more on how to improve my grant writing and photographic process. I have lot of long term projects in mind that I’d love to pour months and months of time on.

Ibale (right) resting with other staff of the Philippine General Hospital’s anesthesiology department. Their shifts go on for 24-hours and start every other day.

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