Zwar ist in Schweden der Umgang mit der Krise ein anderer, aber trotzdem ist dort sehr viel anders und sehr viel schwieriger geworden. Auch für die Fotobranche. Die #FacesOfPhotography haben Måns Berg dazu befragt:
Måns, how are you?
I’m good! Trying my best to enjoy the spring, in the ways that are still possible. Since there has been no lock-down in Sweden, I´ve been spending a lot of time outdoors, biking, climbing and meeting friends. I´ve also been visiting my family more, since most people 70 years and older are self-quarantined and need to come out for walks and have some company.
If we weren’t in crisis, what would you be working on?
I would probably be in a paper-mill or in some other industrial area, or shooting some new architecture.
What are you working on instead?
I’m trying to use the time to learn to fly my drone and also to work more with film. So that’s a good thing, finally having the time to learn new stuff!
Is it already clear what the crisis means for photography industry in Sweden?
No, I´d say its very unclear. The market hasn’t stopped completely here, but a lot of companies are holding their money extra tight at the moment. I’m hoping it will start to pick up again here after the summer, but it feels like this can take a long time!
What is your personal photographic wish for the time after the crisis?
Hopefully, after this is all over, the world will have slowed down a little bit. The pace of everything has just been nuts, just getting faster and faster every year. And hopefully we will be more in tune with ourselves and nature. More real, less fake. Maybe that will affect the ways we see and visualize thing in the long run too.
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