Den Lockdown in Südafrika verbrachte Samantha Reinders mit ihren Eltern – und umgeben von vielen Tieren. Seitdem sie wieder in Kapstadt ist, denkt sie über ein großes freies Projekt nach. Darüber und natürlich über noch mehr hat sie mit den #FacesOfPhotography gesprochen:
Samantha, how are you doing?
Lockdown has been a rollercoaster of feelings, the lowest lows and the highest highs. The rollercoaster continues.
I spent the hard lockdown at my home on a small holding a few hours from Cape Town. I was locked down here with my at risk parents, 6 broody rabbits, a menagerie of turkey’s, chickens, cheeky ducks, goats and a lone sheep. And the sound of birds.
I’m back in Cape Town now, work has resumed. I’m used to traveling so much more that the cabin fever is real.
What have you experienced photographically in the last weeks and months?
I struggled initially to make images to begin with. I couldn’t understand my feelings, let alone conceptualize or visualize them. That’s only coming now…
What are you currently working on?
I’ve just tiptoed into the start of a new personal project that is really exciting… watch this space!
What do you think about the role of photography especially in these times?
It is incredibly important. The art we make now will define this time 100 years from now. We’re making an archive.
What do you wish for your personal photographic future?
To make an impact, however small, by introducing people to each other – through images – who would otherwise not have met. I want to continue learning and evolving as a photographer.
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