Schlagwort-Archive: Melbourne

#FacesOfPhotography – Teil 82: Kristian Gehradte aus Melbourne

Einen kompletten Lockdown hat es in Zeiten der Pandemie in Australien nicht gegeben, so dass Kristian Gehradte die ganze Zeit weiter gearbeitet hat. Trotzdem ist die Krise nicht folgenlos geblieben – Kristian hat den #FacesOfPhotography einen kleinen Einblick gegeben:

Kristian, how are you?
Its been an up and down emotional period for me thats for sure! At the start of the breakout here it was stressful as it would of been everywhere across the world. Currently pretty good considering we are very fortunate of our outcome here in Australia.

How is the crisis currently affecting Australia?

As of Late June its nearly been eradicated in some of our states only the bigger cities like Melbourne and Sydney still having cases. Even though its very low with cases in 20 or 30 a day.

Is it already clear what the crisis means for photography industry in Australia?
Good question, obviously larger campaigns have halted but theres still been a lot of other work we could still work on. Smaller portraits shoots etc. I have been very lucky to been able to shoot through the pandemic as we haven’t had a full lockdown.

What are you currently working on?
Commercially most of the work has been in there corporate world with some industrial projects too. Personally I am working on a series that I will share as I go on my instagram page – as my artistic response to the crisis…

At the beginning of the pandemic in Australia a truly mystifying thing took place. People were going absolutely nuts about toilet paper! Hoarding it in copious amounts, ravaging supermarket aisles of the precious paper. Fights broke out for the product it was terrifying . Was this our first response to the crisis? Fear and panic can do strange things to some people.


What is your personal photographic wish for the time after the crisis?
Like everyone would be nice to just go back to normal even if it is a new normal for now.

Website von Kristian Gehradte
Facebook-Profil von Kristian Gehradte
Instagram-Feed von Kristian Gehradte
LinkedIn-Kanal von Kristian Gehradte

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Horizonte-Countdown 2017 | Kristian Gehradte

Durch die Sonneneinstrahlung, den Salzgehalt des Wassers und die ständige Bewegung zerfällt der Kunststoff in den Meeren unterschiedlich schnell: Es kann zwischen einem umd etwa 600 Jahre dauern, bis sich beispielweise Plastiktüten oder Angelschnüre in sandkorngroße Teile zersetzt haben.**

Dann allerdings sinken ebenjene zum Meeresboden zu dem anderen Müll oder dienen den Meeresbewohnern als Nahrung. Beides keine Option. In diesem Sinne: Hinsehen, hingehen, aufsammeln, Foto machen, entsorgen – jeder kann etwas gegen den Plastikmüll in den Meeren tun.

Und genau dazu will die Ausstellung »Pick It Up« aufrufen, die ab kommenden Samstag beim zehnten Umweltfotofestival horizonte zingst gezeigt wird.

Heute: Kristian Gehradte – Melbourne | Victoria | Australien | Bass-Straße

fotogloria: Where did you take your photo?
Kristian Gehradte: I came across the scene at Westgate Park in Melbourne just near the Westgate bridge which is quite an important part of Melbourne history.

Why did you shoot in that way?
I wanted to shoot some dusk/nighttime images of the area as I thought it could be quite interesting with the mixed lighting sources etc. possible movement of cars on the roads and bridge if visible

How long did you search for the motif?
I spent around 2 hours down at this site walking around trying to find photographic opportunities

Did you learn anything out of the project?
Fortunately for our city when I first heard about this project I thought it would be easy to find rubbish in and around our city or natural areas. This was not the case as I looked for two days along our coastlines and couldn’t find any rubbish so thats when I went to this more industrial type of site thinking there would be more rubbish.

Who are you?
I am a Melbourne based Commercial/Advertising photographer who is always aiming to push visual boundaries. I have been shooting professionally for over 15 years now and have shot for some of the worlds largest brands.


** Quelle: »Das Ozeanbuch – Über die Bedrohung der Meere« von Esther Gonstalla, erscheint im August 2017 im Oekom-Verlag unter der ISBN-Nummer: 978-3-96006-012-3

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