Das BESTE Bild von… Claus Sjödin

Hoffen nicht alle Fotografen mit jedem Auslösen, mit jedem Tag auf das Bild ihres Lebens? Das Eine, das Beste? fotogloria-Fotograf Claus Sjödin jedenfalls hat sein bestes Bild noch nicht gemacht. Aber sein zweitbestes. Immerhin.

fotogloria: Where and when did you take your BEST shot?
Claus Sjödin: I hope that I’m so lucky that I have not taken my best photo yet. And the second best photo is not one, but quite a few. This is indeed one of my favorite pictures. It’s taken on the first of October 2011 at half past eight and I remember it was 24 degrees HOT. Quite unusual for that time of the year in Denmark.

How did it come about?
Well, early that morning I went out for kayaking – and as very often I do bring a camera with me. Not anything big and fancy, just a small camera in a watertight case.
It was a morning with a lot of haze, and suddenly out of nowhere this big stone with a plastic palm tree and a cormorant came out of the haze. It was so absurd – a palm tree a cormorant as big as the tree – the aspect ratio was all wrong. I had a few seconds to take this picture, and then the cormorant spread it’s wings and flew away.

Why do you consider this picture in particular your BEST shot?
It is a very special experience and on top of that I was lucky enough to have a camera at hand.

Retrospectively, is there anything in the picture that you would change?
This is pure luck – so no. But, the more I practice the luckier I get.


* Claus Sjödin ist ein zurückhaltender, sehr genauer und dabei aber immer ein äußerst zugewandter Beobachter. Für seine Motive – ob Mensch oder Maschine – entwickelt er sorgfältig das passende Umfeld und das richtige Licht. Um dann im richtigen Augenblick das perfekte Bild zu machen. Claus Sjödin lebt in Dänemark und arbeitet überall.

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